Estrogen, vitamin D may protect metabolic health after menopause
Research conducted globally has found that oestrogen and vitamin D helps in strengthening your bones. Studies were undertaken to observe the benefits of oestrogen and vitamin D, leading researchers to discover that the duo protects postmenopausal women from metabolic syndrome. Metabolic health of women declines while going through postmenopause. The combination of oestrogen with high levels of Vitamin D might be able to help keep your metabolic health thriving.
Metabolic syndrome includes several factors that might put your health at risk. Obesity, a spike in blood sugar, and high blood pressure are some of the elements of metabolic syndrome. These can result in stroke, heart disease, developing type two diabetes and various other health issues.
A study conducted in southern China on the link between metabolic syndrome and oestrogen and Vitamin D. The study was based on postmenopausal women.
One of the symptoms of menopause is a fall in the levels of oestrogen and a reduced ability of the body to absorb Vitamin D.
The subjects chosen for this study were 616 postmenopausal women between the ages of 49 to 86 years. Note that none of these women prescribed to supplements of oestrogen or Vitamin D when they took part in the study.
The main oestrogen hormone known as estradiol as well as vitamin D, were measured in the subject’s blood. Researchers also calculated the risk factors for developing metabolic syndrome.
Study results
There was a relationship found between estradiol and Vitamin D. So the lower the levels of vitamin D found in women, lower levels of estradiol followed suit. Similarly, higher the levels of Vitamin D, the levels of estradiol were found to be higher as well. A positive correlation was found between the two in postmenopausal women.
The research also included an analysis in which factors evident in metabolic syndrome coincided with vitamin D and estradiol. Higher levels of vitamin D were observed to have positive effects on the health of postmenopausal women. Blood glucose, blood pressure and lipid, were all found to be within the prescribed measures in women who had plenty of vitamin D in their bodies.
On the other hand, it was found that lower the levels of estradiol in the body, higher the risk rose of developing problems related to cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides. The research further went on to show that women with sufficient amounts of vitamin D and estradiol in the body were less prone to developing metabolic syndrome than the ones who were deficient. Another study segregated women into categories based on their levels of vitamin D. The results showed that women going through postmenopause with low estradiol along with decreasing levels of vitamin D, resulted in metabolic syndrome.
Assessment of metabolic syndrome
Low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high blood pressure, central obesity, elevated blood glucose and high triglycerides, are some of the risk factors of metabolic syndrome. Criteria put forth by the International Diabetes Federation were used in the study to assess the status of metabolic syndrome.According to the IDF, you are suffering from metabolic syndrome if you have central obesity along with two of the four other symptoms. This definition of IDF was put forth in the year 2006.
This definition of IDF was put forth in the year 2006.
You can be diagnosed with central obesity if your midriff has an excess of fat around it, which can increase the risk of developing heart disease. This risk is significantly higher in comparison to the fat being stored in any other part. So you might scout the problem areas of your body, and take extra care if your stomach is where most of your fat resides.
In China, the definition of central obesity in women is that their waistline should be equal to or greater than 80 centimetres that is equal to 31.5 inches. For women who are white in the U.S., the criteria is 88 centimetres or 34.6 inches, define obesity.
Other factors that increased the risk according to the IDF’s parameters are:
1. 150 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), or even higher levels of blood triglyceride, or if you’re being treated for high triglycerides.
2. Receiving a course of treatment for high HDL cholesterol or the HDL Cholesterol being under 50 mg/dl.
3. Submitting to a course of treatment for high levels of blood pressure as well as the blood pressure is equal to 130/85 millimetres of mercury or even higher than that.
4. being a recipient of diabetes treatment or the fasting blood glucose level being equal to 100 mg/dl or even significantly higher.
a shortage of HDL cholesterol in your body can make you vulnerable to developing heart disease. This is because HDL cholesterol is responsible for keeping your arteries free of cholesterol.
The risk of developing heart disease and other cardiovascular ailments can increase if your blood glucose is 100mg/dl fasting. This can also act as an early sign of diabetes.
Major public health issue :
Metabolic syndrome is a real cause for concern for many postmenopausal women around the world. It is a significant health issue. A study conducted in the united states showed eye-opening results. During the years of 2011-2012, approximately 35% of adults, along with almost half of the population in their 60s developed metabolic syndrome.
Menopause has several symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, mood swings, anxiety, depression, and so on. A number of these symptoms find their cause to be the declining levels of oestrogen.
The results found in the studies conducted all over the world showed that low oestrogen seems to be the culprit behind postmenopausal women developing metabolic syndrome. Falling levels of Vitamin D helps this development along. Postmenopausal women must get at least 30 nanograms per millilitre of vitamin D. going through menopause is hard on your body. So it is important to make sure you make up for the growing needs of your body by altering your diet and lifestyle accordingly.