How to Menopause Proof your beauty regime

Menopause is the hammer that batters your normal life into a pulp and then pees on it with a bunch of menopause symptoms, just for good measure. Your life wakes up one day in the throes of menopause, takes a glimpse in the mirror and winces at it’s bloated, hormonal, hot flushed self. Your skin changes during menopause, you’re barely sleeping these days, and your body is an oven that automatically turns on high whenever it pleases. In short, you need a lifeline and we’re here to throw you one.

It is difficult to distinguish your menopause symptoms from symptoms of ageing as they might overlap or it might have a domino effect, with one symptom triggering the next. Your skin gets affected from ageing just as much as menopause symptoms impact it.


Menopause symptoms cause your hormones to imbalance with your oestrogen levels experiencing a steep decline. Ageing further loosens your skin. It takes an unusually large toll on your skin. Your skin risks becoming dry, developing wrinkles, and dark spots. There are various measures you can take to keep your skin healthy and keep these effects in check. Below are some of the best skincare tips for menopausal skin.

Age and sun kissed

In your childhood your mother might have instilled in you the importance of covering your entire body with sunscreen before you step out of your house. It might have been a tiresome hassle you did everything to get out of, but now as the menopausal stage of your life rolls in, you might be thankful for all the advice you got from mummy dearest. Age spots creep in from all directions, and your once porcelain skin starts to turn a shade darker in certain areas of your body. The risk of developing cancer also goes up. To avoid or reduce these menopause skin changes, here are some things you can do to give your skin a helping hand.

Sunscreen : Protect your skin by lathering on the sunscreen over your entire body with an SPF of at least 30 if not higher. Sunscreen helps reduce age spots, and the risk of getting them in the future. It is also the recommended main protection against skin cancer.

Go see your doc : your probability of getting skin cancer also goes up as you enter menopause. It is important to get your body screened so as to detect and treat any cancerous growths in their early stages. Scheduling visits to see your GP is highly recommended. 

Check your body yourself : If you don’t feel up to taking a trip to the doctor all that often, you can ask your GP for ways in which you can check your own skin for anomalies that could potentially be harmful. This way you can keep a check on your skin regularly.

Consult your doc for any age spots : it is preferable to consult your doc to get advice about treating your age spots instead of just prescribing to some advertised cream because there is a possibility of that spot being cancerous. Skin cancer and age spots are almost identical. So assuming something is an age spot when it is actually cancerous could potentially be fatal. It is easier to treat cancer when it is identified in its early stages. Consulting a doctor for your age spots will lead to an examination, which can help to define any cancerous spots from age spots.

Skin becomes thinner leading to bruises

The fall in your levels of oestrogen leads to skin changes after menopause causing it to become thinner, and consequently becoming more susceptible to bruising. Here are some of the things you can do to avoid black and blue bumps all over your body.

Sunscreen helps in preventing bruising by reducing your skin from thinning further, but it does not help thicken it. It is always advisable to cover your face, neck, hands, and the parts of your body that is not covered by your clothes. It is important to apply sunscreen even in the winter months.

Consult your doctor : there might be various options available in the marketplace to help you treat this condition but consulting a dermatologist can help you know exactly what might help for sure. It is advisable to get a customised solution to your problems as your GP will take into consideration all the other aspects of your health as well.

Dry and parched skin

Menopause symptoms lead to your skin diminishing its ability to hold water. Hence it can lead to your skin becoming quite dry. This can be much more noticeable when winter rolls in and the weather can be really dry.

Get away from soap : soap can lead to excessive drying of your skin. It is preferable to give soap a hard miss. Instead you might want to go for a mild cleanser that helps you retain the moisture and also help with your menopause symptoms.

See your dermatologist : exfoliation is what most people would suggest you to go for. While it may help a bit, it is still preferable to ask a doctor for advice. Attempting to remedy dry and thin skin caused by menopause on your own, may do more harm than good.

Hair On The Face

The balance of your hormones is the reason for your clean hairless face. However as menopause symptoms cause your oestrogen to take a nosedive, the hair on your scalp lessen and start showing up on your face instead, prominently on your chin or above your lip. There are a number of ways you can handle this.

Waxing : Waxing is the most popular way to get rid of that pesky little sprout of your face. While it is quite common, it might not always be preferable. Your skin does get very dry during menopause, and getting it into contact with hot wax can further add to it. It can also make your skin crack and bleed. There are other ways for hair removal.

Visit a doc : A dermatologist can provide the best ways to get rid of unwanted hair on your face without causing any further damage. The doctor could suggest laser hair removal therapy which not only gets rid of the hair but might stop it from coming back as well, at least for a long time. Hair reduction creams prescribed by your GP is another good alternative to waxing.

Laser hair removal : you could easily get a smooth hair-free face by opting for this alternative. However, it is of paramount importance to make sure the person doing the procedure is qualified to perform it. The risks of certain side effects that might be caused due to this procedure go up when it is done by an unskilled or not sufficiently authorised professional.

D3 is your new best friend

Vitamin D can be found easily as sunshine is the highest source, and we’ve got plenty of it (not). During menopause, you need to increase the amount of Vitamin D3 intake as it promotes healthy, glowing skin. You might want to consider taking a vitamin D supplement if you’re not getting enough sunlight or you are vitamin D deficient. It also helps your bone density and is generally good for your health, so you might want to supplement it for optimal health conditions.


Phytoestrogens help your bodily functions the same way that oestrogen does. It is preferable to go for products that have phytoestrogens as an ingredient in them. This is found in various plant oils such as flaxseed, grapeseed, etc. Adding these can give your hormonally unbalanced body a well deserved boost.


Retinoids are obtained from Vitamin A which help get your collagen production going. When coupled with hyaluronic acid, it can do wonders for your menopausal skin. So you might want to go for products that have retinoids in them.


You might concentrate on your face but not give your body a second thought. Your body is mostly covered with clothes which could lead to an out of sight out of mind mentality. However the skin all over your body suffers equally if not more, because of the lack of attention it is usually being paid. Coconut oil is your knight in shining armour against a bucket load of skin problems. It moisturises deeply and makes your skin feel baby soft. Evening primrose oil can be extremely beneficial for your menopausal skin.

While menopause symptoms, along with ageing, can wreak havoc with your skin, you do not have to becoming disheartened. It can easily be salvaged and can be glowing and beautiful by following these simple steps. After all beauty is ageless, and menopause cannot make a dent in it, no matter how hard it tries.