How much do you know about Copper? This mineral is essential to your wellbeing and survival, but do you know how it actually supports your health?

Taking a Copper Supplement is an option if you are suffering from copper deficiency but you can normally get enough from food.

Knowing what Copper does for you can help you to improve your wellbeing throughout life. Knowledge is power, so make sure you have the power to take care of and improve your health by finding out what this mineral means for you!


It is estimated that around 10 million people in the UK alone are living with some form of Arthritis. This degenerative joint disease can affect anyone of any age, although it is particularly common in the elderly. The most common form of Arthritis is Osteoarthritis, which affects both the bones and the joints. This condition is present in around 8.5 million people in the UK.

The second most common form of Arthritis is Rheumatoid Arthritis. Both forms of this degenerative joint disease cause chronic pain and limited mobility. Arthritis can be an extremely debilitating and overwhelming condition. The pursuit of natural treatment options has been extensive. Of all the vitamins and minerals known to prevent and treat Arthritis and its symptoms, Copper is amongst the most popular options.

You may have seen Copper bracelets around. These are sold as health aids that are supposed to be worn to ease Arthritis symptoms. Some people swear by these kinds of Copper based accessories, although there is very little scientific evidence supporting their benefits. The anti-inflammatory action of Copper is supposed to be absorbed by the body when it is in close contact with the skin. Whether this truly works or not is still debatable.

Another popular treatment for Arthritis is drinking water that has been stored in a Copper container. Usually the water will have been kept overnight in the Copper container, with the idea that Copper traces will go into the water. When consumed, this Copper rich water will offer health benefits. This treatment option also has mixed results, but people who practice it say that it is the best way to get Copper into the body quickly and effectively.

Copper is thought to have the ability to strengthen the muscular system, so can support steady and regular movement. Since movement becomes painful or restricted in Arthritis sufferers, they tend to be immobile. This can lead to muscle loss and weakness. Supporting muscle strength is important for retaining the ability to move and stay active. Copper can help you to achieve this.

Although still up for debate, the use of Copper for treating Arthritis is undeniably popular. With many different methods of using Copper, it is worth trying out certain techniques and seeing how they help you to control your Arthritis symptoms.

Cognitive Health

Ever felt like you needed to give your brain a kind of jump start? Mental fatigue can make your thought processes slower, and can make daily life quite difficult. Giving your brain the nutrients it needs in order to function at its best can make a huge difference. If you want to stay sharp, focused, and mentally agile, then you will want to get Copper in your diet.

This “brain stimulant” nutrient is so important for good brain health, that foods with high Copper content are often called brain foods. Despite this, it is important to be aware that an overdose of Copper can be bad for brain health. Getting the right amount of Copper in your diet can offer significant benefits to your mental and cognitive wellbeing.

In several studies it has been found that Copper can help to support mental function, meaning that your thought processes are efficient and speedy. Copper can even promote creative and puzzle solving type of thoughts. This mineral has been termed the outside the box mineral since it helps to support inventive and problem solving ways of thinking. For creative types this is important!

In MRI scans and neurological tests it has been seen that this mineral actually enables the neural pathways in the brain to develop in very unique ways, creating new connections for advanced thinking. If you want to keep your mind sharp late into life, then you would be smart to meet all your Copper needs on a regular basis.

Cardiovascular Health

Iron is an essential component of red blood cells. It is a major mineral in the substance known as haemoglobin. Haemoglobin’s crucial role in red blood cells is to hold the oxygen that the blood carries around the body. You need oxygen in your blood, and you need it to reach all areas of your body to keep your organs and supportive systems healthy and functional.

So what does this have to do with Copper? Well, Copper actually enhances the absorption of Iron in the body. This mineral ensures that Iron can be absorbed effectively in the intestinal tract. Then, it helps it to be released from the storage area of the liver when it is needed in the blood. People with low Iron levels or poor Iron uptake can suffer from Anaemia. This condition is characterised by excessive fatigue, digestive problems, muscle weakness, and poor circulation. Getting Copper in your diet can help you to prevent and treat this condition effectively. Women of child bearing age have a high risk of Anaemia, so may benefit in particular from a good Copper intake. By supporting the formation of red blood cells, Copper keeps the circulatory system healthy and functional. But this is not all Copper can do for cardiovascular wellness! This mineral can even lower cholesterol levels naturally yet effectively. High cholesterol is a condition being diagnosed more and more often in the UK. With high levels of cholesterol comes an increased risk of cardiovascular complications such as Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and strokes. Since this worrying health threat is becoming all too common, it is worth knowing that Copper can help to tackle it in the first place.

One of the main causes of cholesterol health is LDL cholesterol. This is known as a bad type of cholesterol. On the other hand, HDL cholesterol is beneficial and good for you.  Having excessive LDL cholesterol in your blood stream causes things to go wrong. Luckily, Copper can specifically lower levels in the body, without affecting HDL cholesterol levels. This greatly lowers your risk of developing various cardiovascular conditions. So if you want to protect and preserve your cardiovascular wellbeing, you can’t go wrong with Copper.

Energy, Immunity, and Growth

You need energy to keep you going through your daily life. This may sound rather obvious, but many people suffer from poor energy levels all too often. Knowing what nutrients support stamina and vitality can make a huge difference to your wellness. Copper is an absolutely essential nutrient for energy production. This mineral is involved in some very complex biochemical reactions that occur on a molecular level. These reactions result in the increased production of cellular energy. This keeps your body going even through demanding or stressful times.

Your immune system is your body’s defence against disease and illness. It is composed of all sorts of defence mechanisms that are designed to keep it or destroy harmful substances. For example, mucus in your throat and sinuses keep harmful bacteria from entering the body, whilst your skin keeps your internal organs and systems safe. As part of your immune system, the mineral Copper promotes speedy recovery from any damage you experience.

Mainly, Copper ensures that wounds heal quickly and effectively. As a co-factor to enzymatic processes, Copper allows for endothelial growth. This sounds all rather scientific and technical, but basically it means that Copper encourages the healing of damaged tissues. If you are looking for nutrients to promote recovery from damage and wounds, then you can rely on Copper to restore you to wellness once more.

Since Copper is so important in enzyme reactions, it actually supports a huge range of essential biological processes. Specifically Copper plays a huge role in metabolic reactions, supporting hormone release and neurological functions. But Copper also supports normal growth, development and repair of the systems and organs that rely on these enzyme reactions. In fact, a Copper deficiency can reveal itself in improper development of organs and tissues. Babies with Copper deficiency can be born with debilitating birth defects.

Getting Copper in Your Diet

Copper can be found in a huge range of plant foods. In particular, a range of different and delicious vegetables offer a rich supply of this mineral. Green beans, beetroot, leeks, lettuce, squash, tomatoes, and green peas all contain Copper. This is a mixed range of vegetables that are picked at different times of the year, and suit different types of meal. So you have little excuse not to eat these Copper rich vegetables regularly! With fruits you can meet your Copper needs with pineapple and raspberries only.

Pulses, like lentils and beans, are well known for being Copper rich. Try including them as part of your meals twice a week at least. Opt for kidney, lima, soya, or garbanzo beans. Otherwise lentils are a good bet. Nuts like peanuts and almonds, as well as walnuts, make excellent Copper rich snacks. Other Copper rich foods to eat regularly include pumpkin seeds, barley, olives, spelt and sweet potato.

The key to benefiting from Copper rich foods is to eat them regularly.